How To Handle An Allergic Reaction To A Bee Sting


A bee sting can be a scary thing especially if you aren't sure if you're allergic to them. It can be equally scary to watch someone have an allergic reaction to a bee sting. If you aren't sure how to handle the situation, then read on for instructions to guide you through so you can handle things calmly in order to get yourself or the other person the help they need.

Allergy Symptoms To Watch For

First and foremost you'll need to know what to watch for. In less severe cases the bee sting may cause a small welt and you may feel some pain or tenderness in the area. In other cases, there may be a larger welt, pain or tenderness that can be felt for days later. In more severe cases, the bee sting may cause a welt, hives, pain in the area, as well as difficulty breathing, as well as swelling of the throat.

In a less severe case, you can give the person an antihistamine to help with the swelling, or you can use ice as well. An over-the-counter pain reliever can help with any pain. 

Severe cases to allergic reactions will require immediate attention and action.

Keep The Patient Calm

Whether it is you or someone else having the reaction, it's important to keep calm. Sit the person down or lay them down so that in the event of loss of consciousness further injury doesn't occur.

Give Epinephrine

Administer epinephrine with an EpiPen if one is available. If someone knows they are allergic to bees they may carry the EpiPen with them. If an EpiPen is not available, it's important to call 9-1-1 immediately and let them know the person is having an allergic reaction to a bee sting and no epinephrine is available.

To administer the EpiPen you'll need to take the black cap off that shields the needle, then pull off the safety cap on the other end. Press the needle end firmly into the outer portion of the upper thigh and press the red button with your thumb until it clicks and hold it there for 10 seconds.

Make sure that if you give epinephrine that you tell the paramedics that an EpiPen was administered.

If a bee sting causes a severe reaction, but the person is still able to breathe and there is no throat swelling or loss of consciousness you can take the person to urgent care for medical attention. 


19 June 2018

mapping out health care during travels

Before you head out for a family vacation, you must take the time to consider every possible emergency that could arise. Medical emergencies can come up at any given time. Because of this, you should spend a little time looking into different health care clinics before you leave your home. Map out locations along the way, as well as locations around your destination. This will give you the opportunity to look into online reviews and find the facilities that will provide your family with the best possible care during a stressful time that you should be enjoying rather than stressing. Learn how you can prepare your health before a trip, during, and after.